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21 professors europeus visiten el Prat dins un projecte ‘Erasmus’

Dear pupils, teachers, families and followers!
Here is the video from "El Prat TV" about our project and the mobility to SEC Can Rigol, Barcelona, Spain. All participants are having a good time and many opportunities to exchange experiences and good educational practices. 
In this video you will also find an interview of Rosa Rodríguez (Headmistress in SEC Can Rigol), Stamoula Mourelatou (the main coordinator of our project, from Greece) and Heike Eichbauer (German coordinator). 
Enjoy the video! 

( Click on the link )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you El Prat TV for the wonderful video. It has been an amazing experience that you managed to capture in a few minutes and inform the world. Thank you Spanish partners for the amazing mobility. Mourelatou Stamoula. Greek Coordinator