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Getting to know an Local artist: CARTOONIST - Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia


Within the activities of local artist presentations, the students of the 8th, 9th grade researched biography, art work of local artist. They chose cartoonist Mr. Boris Miočinovići.
Mr. Boris Miočinović

He  is known in Ptuj  and  is very active in the cultural field. For operation in the cultural field in the municipality of Ptuj,  this year, on the Slovenian national cultural day, he  received the highest municipal award, »GRAND OIL LAMP« ( Velika oljenka )

Velika Oljenka

Our Students have studied his biography, also they have come to know the characteristics of the caricature. They had study three of his books of caricature  "History of Ptuj in caricature." Watching them they were very  excited and they laughed a lot.  Autor publishes his caricature  in magazines and  newspapers, on various occasions. He drew more than 2,000 caricatures.
All relevant data, the students condense on the poster and it presented at the workshops.

 On Tuesday, 12. 4. 2016, 12 pupils from 5th to 9th grade and the pupils from PPVI  under his mentorships Marija Arnuš and Alenka Kosem, paint  portrait caricature. In the introduction, Mr. Miočinović  presented to the students the characteristics of portrait caricatures. He brought some of his caricatures.

 The workshop was held in two hours. At the end of the workshop, the artist drew some caricatures of pupils. Pupils were keen with interest listened to the artist and follow his advice. He promised them that each will get their caricature. In May, we will prepare an exabition of students and his caricatures  in a school ERASMUS + corner.

The selection of pupils for the workshop with Mr  Miočinović is conducted by Mrs Alenka Kosem – art teacher, who »took  students on the caricature trip« during the classes of the art.

Activity prepared by: Alenka Kosem and Marija Arnuš

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fantastic work! Congratulations to all pupils and teachers. :-)