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"FACE PUZZLE" - Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia

Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia

Pupils were divide into groups and take pictures of each other with different facial expressions. The photos were printed on A4 paper and plasticized. The teachers and some of the pupils cut photos of facial expression in several pieces ( 4, 6, 7, 8 12, 16, 17, 18 ) Pupils were make the puzzles and identify the different expressions. Some were very fast in assembling the puzzle, without looking at the  attached photo.

Do you want to learn some Slovenian words about feelings? Here they are . To hear the Slovenian  pronunciation  copy a single word ( emotion ) and past it to the  Google Translator. There, you can use the speaker icon, which plays the Slovenian pronunciation. Enjoy learning Slovenian. 

vesel   - happy
žalosten - sad
prestrašen - frightened
zaskrbljen - worried
jezen  - angry
utrujen - weary
dolgočasen - boring
presenečen - surprised
zaspan - sleepy

We woudl like to learn emotion words in your languages :-).

Hugs and  Greetings from your peers from Ptuj,  Slovenia.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great activity pupils and teachers from Ptuj! We will follow your example and add the Greek words also! Congratulations to all of you.