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"The emotions book" - 1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece

The emotions book is our last activity for this school year. Pupils had to create a book full of emotions while using several materials. In our school we thought of giving to this activity another dimension thus we created our "emotions face book". The idea was to create a little person with many facial expressions which will be easy for any pupil to choose the face that suits him/her best depending on his or her mood. We hope you like the outcome. We sure loved it even though we still havent't come up with his name!.


"Face Puzzle" activity, March 2016, SEC Can Rigol - Spain

In the "Face puzzle" activity High school students were in charge of offering the activity to pupils with ASD from Primary education. See what happened!


21 professors europeus visiten el Prat dins un projecte ‘Erasmus’

Dear pupils, teachers, families and followers!
Here is the video from "El Prat TV" about our project and the mobility to SEC Can Rigol, Barcelona, Spain. All participants are having a good time and many opportunities to exchange experiences and good educational practices. 
In this video you will also find an interview of Rosa Rodríguez (Headmistress in SEC Can Rigol), Stamoula Mourelatou (the main coordinator of our project, from Greece) and Heike Eichbauer (German coordinator). 
Enjoy the video! 

( Click on the link )

Interview with Erasmus+school coordinator Mrs Tanja Nikolovski - Ptujska televizija PeTV

Interview with Erasmus+school coordinator Tanja Nikolovski from primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj on "Ptujska televizija  PeTV". 
Mrs. Nikolovski present and talk about Erasmus+ international project "ArtEmotion xpress in Europe".

Interview conducted by journalist from Ptujska televizija  PeTV,  Mrs. Stanka Kranjc Letonja
April, 2016

DISSEMINATION of project "ArtEmotion Xpress in Europe" in Poland

During two visits we showed the information about our Erasmus+ project, we had discussion about the methods and techniques used in art therapy with SEN students, the visitors took part in workshops for students and saw the results of our programme.

- 14 April 2016 - visit of the authorities of Dnipropietrovsk Oblast, Ukraine in ZSS nr 6.
- 12 May 2016 - visit of the professors of Poltava Oblast, Ukraine in ZSS nr 6.

Patrycya Paytlik, Polish Erasmus+ school coordinator


Getting to know an Local artist: CARTOONIST - Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia


Within the activities of local artist presentations, the students of the 8th, 9th grade researched biography, art work of local artist. They chose cartoonist Mr. Boris Miočinovići.
Mr. Boris Miočinović

He  is known in Ptuj  and  is very active in the cultural field. For operation in the cultural field in the municipality of Ptuj,  this year, on the Slovenian national cultural day, he  received the highest municipal award, »GRAND OIL LAMP« ( Velika oljenka )

Velika Oljenka

Our Students have studied his biography, also they have come to know the characteristics of the caricature. They had study three of his books of caricature  "History of Ptuj in caricature." Watching them they were very  excited and they laughed a lot.  Autor publishes his caricature  in magazines and  newspapers, on various occasions. He drew more than 2,000 caricatures.
All relevant data, the students condense on the poster and it presented at the workshops.

 On Tuesday, 12. 4. 2016, 12 pupils from 5th to 9th grade and the pupils from PPVI  under his mentorships Marija Arnuš and Alenka Kosem, paint  portrait caricature. In the introduction, Mr. Miočinović  presented to the students the characteristics of portrait caricatures. He brought some of his caricatures.

 The workshop was held in two hours. At the end of the workshop, the artist drew some caricatures of pupils. Pupils were keen with interest listened to the artist and follow his advice. He promised them that each will get their caricature. In May, we will prepare an exabition of students and his caricatures  in a school ERASMUS + corner.

The selection of pupils for the workshop with Mr  Miočinović is conducted by Mrs Alenka Kosem – art teacher, who »took  students on the caricature trip« during the classes of the art.

Activity prepared by: Alenka Kosem and Marija Arnuš


Impressions of the 2nd short term joint staff training and learning activity in Can Rigol School Barcelona - Slovenian team

Tanja Knehtl, occupational therapist, from Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia

Personally, I like warm, vivid colors and these are accompanied me every step in the school. Just the atmosphere and the relationship between the students and the staff was very pleasant. I enjoyed socializing and outdoor activities. I like the presentation of daily activities, which are also presented how important activities for independent living are (ironing, folding clothes, making beds beds, sewing, ...).
 I got  many ideas  in the classroom, where students are engaged in the work for the teachers's  needs  (cutting, stapling, laminating, production of teaching material, ...). Thank you for the opportunity that we had with the students in the workshops, so in this way we feelt  the atmosphere and the students  too. School bar was something very special, and the students were great  Caterers. 

My impressions while visiting school CEE Can Rigol is very positive, thanks to the students and the staff for the warm welcome and all the activities that they  prepared for us.  I got many ideas, which  they can be use in my work.

Alenka Kosem, Art Teacher from Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia

Barcelona and El Prat de Llobregat are  cities with a rich history, architecture, great temperament and also I have experienced like that too. With the daily activities in the school CEE CAN RIGOL  I  captivated with character of the people, their peaceful pace of life, which is reflected on a very friendly professional school staff and indirectly on students. At this calm, you get the feeling that everybody on the easier way  overcome obstacles and conquering new knowledge and experience. Even the visual image of the school, equipped with art products full of diverse colors expresses warmth and cosiness.
With carefully choosing and great prepared activities which we  attended, you realize the importance of the integration of intercultural education in different areas of school work and increasing the socio-cultural awareness, integration, inclusion and thus the quality of education. Such activities contribute to the breaking down of borders between countries, cultures, languages ... but also borders within ourselves, which we may not be aware of.

Tanja Nikolovski, special teacher and school Erasmus+ coordinator

Visited school CEE Can Rigol has been fantastic experiance: I've met marvelous teachers and learnt  lot from their, got many useful ideas for my work with students and really enjoyed every single moment in all the activities you have arranged for us. I saw  many very entusiastic teachers.
I like the Colourful of the school places. It is evident that all the school staff entirely dedicated to this difficult profession. Every visitors of the CEE CAN RIGOL school can feel  like at home, and very warm welcome. The time and emotions I've felt with the teachers and students from your school I will remember forever.
Also We saw how much you have done for the success of every activity of the programme. Visited amazing places in El Prat de Llobregat,  Barcelona and Sigets gave me unforgettable moments. Thanks for all these things and thanks to have hosted us in your beautiful country.

"PAINTING MUSIC" - Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia


During the art lessons, first we repeated the characteristics of different stripes and colors. Depending on the shape, thickness, length, ...we can  also determine  the character of the line. Therefore, we can say that the lines can be gentle, bold, coarse, fearful, fine, elegant, clumsy, serious, dramatic ... straight line expresses a certain hardness, stiffness, sharpness, rigor, coldness, fault line, in contrast to the flat soft, warm, emotional.

Even colors can have different effect on us. At many cases, we found that some color  operating uncomfortable on us - we are talking about screaming, dirty, toxic colors. However, when the color effect on us pleasant, then we are talking about moderate, mild, nice, clean colors. Colors also can provoke  people  in very emotional mood, soothe or even can  irritate them.  When rendering motif through color and line we always expressed a mood.

Next step with students was conversation shifted to the music. Students were listen two songs and expressed their emotions  through the painting. We found that the music affects us in a different ways. At some tracks become thoughtful, sad ... while others of us may wake up, enliven and put us in a cheerful mood.

This was followed by the announcement of tasks. Most of the pupils at the first track, "Adagio in G Minor" (Tomaso Albinoni) reflect the gentle, soft lines and subtle colors. The resulting addresses are works of art: The awakening of nature, Funeral, Violin ... When playing the second song "Fire Dance" (Manuel de Falla) the atmosphere was completely different. The song was raise strong, unpleasant, dramatic emotion to the  pupils. Artworks were created in dark colors with harsh lines. They named them: Runing away from a Stranger, Breeze, Storm, Fight animal, Rushing River ...

Students of the lower classes they felt an event in the music and they visualized it, while the students in the last course,  created mostly abstract motifs played with the  lines and colors.

Alenka Kosem, Art Teacher 


News about our mobility in Barcelona, Spain in our local newspaper "Tribuna" from Sibiu.

( article in the newspaper Tribuna, Sibiu, Romania. )

Teachers from Romania, Slovenia, Poland, Germany, Greece and Spain


The second short term join staff training and learning event was held in the city of Barcelona and was completed successfully. 22 teachers, coordinators and participants in the project "Artemotion Xpress in Europe", from each coutry of the partnerships, met in SEC CAN RIGOL , special primary and secondary school, between 17 and 24 April 2016, to excange best practices and thus improve the quality of the schools and their teaching methods.

Mariana Hertoiu, Romanian coordinator

Impressions of the 2nd short term joint staff training and learning activity in Can Rigol School Barcelona - Greek team

Iraklis Palias, Principal of the 1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece.

"During our stay in Barcelona we visited the partner school Can Rigol daily and participated in presentations and activities, which aimed both to achieve the objectives of the Erasmus + program in accordance with the initial planning and to understand their work and the educational methods that they follow.

Following the program of the visit, after the activities in the school, we had the opportunity to explore the city of Barcelona and to visit museums, art galleries, parks, traditional villages, monuments and temples and many other cultural and historical sites in the city. In this way we combined the project “Artemotion Xpress in Europe” with the cultural heritage of the Catalans.

The mobility in Spain under the Erasmus + Program "ARTEMOTION XPRESS IN EUROPE" was a total success, since all the initial goals of the project plan were completed successfully. All teachers who participated in the
mobility were able to derive new educational experiences and practices that will help us to develop teaching skills and contribute to our personal and professional development.

I warmly thank our Spanish Partners for the hospitality and the unique experience and I wish the project to continue with the same enthusiasm and passion".

Zoi Tsiara, Special Education Teacher in 1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece.
"The visit to Spain and Can Rigol school for the Erasmus+ project “Artemotion Xpress in Europe” was a unique experience for me. Our visit was well organized and thought out from the coordinator and the teachers so as to form a very good overview of all programs and activities applied to the children. I was very impressed with the daily activities classroom (laundry, ironing, cleaning etc.) and the kitchen where students learned to cook, to service, to pay their food and give change, necessary skills for everyday life.
After school we visited important monuments and landmarks which are meeting places for local residents. In our free time we were able to mix with the people and walk in the streets of the city center. Through this, we gained a lot of information about the daily life and consumer habits of Catalans. Finally, lunch at different restaurants, helped me to form the best possible impression of the flavors that the locals prefer.
Partners from Spain, thank you very much for the unique experience and may we all meet again soon".

Georgia Tsiouchliara, Special Education Teacher, 1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece 

"Our visit in CEE Can Rigol in Barcelona was one of the most wonderful experiences in my life. The hospitality of the Spanish partners and their exceptionally organized and well-balanced programme made this activity not only fascinating, but also interesting and educating.

All attended workshops were very interesting and I am willing to use them in the future. Aromatic oils workshop was really impressive due to the freedom it gave to the pupils to act, experiment and create on their own will, a fact that could help them in their future professional life. I would like to thank Can Rigol partners once again for the great chance they gave us to get closer to the Catalan education and culture".


The second short term joint staff training and learning event was held in the city of Barcelona and was completed successfully. 22 teachers, coordinators and participants in the project "Artemotion Xpress in Europe", from each country of the partnership, met in SEC CAN RIGOL special primary and secondary school, from 17 to 23 of April 2016, to exchange best practices and thus improve the quality of schools and their teaching methods on their return.

Participants of the 2nd short term join staff training and learning event

The welcoming of the Spanish partners and pupils was warm and full of enthusiasm. Their hospitality was unique and the planned activities were truly inspiring, well organized, interactive and absolutely educational. Rodrigo Amado Fafian, the Spanish Erasmus+ project coordinator, was an excellent tireless host throughout the mobility.

Sunday 17/04/2016, was the day of the arrival in Barcelona of the participants of every partner school (Greece, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovenia). In the evening we were welcomed by the coordinator of the corporate school of Spain Mr. Rodrigo Fafian Amado and we all enjoyed a welcome dinner while starting to familiarize with Spanish cuisine and the famous tapas.

On Monday 18/04/2016 we visited the City Hall of the Municipality of El Prat in Barcelona where we were welcomed by representatives of the municipality and by the education consultant Ms. Pilar Eslava. The speech followed by Mr Toni Garcia, (the father of a SEN pupil in Can Rigol and also president of the "Friends of Art" community), was particularly touching. Local El Prat TV attended and covered the event.

photo by Tanja Nikolovski
photo by Tanja Nikolovski
photo by Heike Eichbauer
photo by Heike Eichbauer

Afterwards, we arrived to Can Rigol School, where we were welcomed with great enthusiasm by the pupils and educational staff. Pupils were holding auxiliary communication cards with pictures writing “hello” to all partner languages. Following, the project coordinator Rodrigo Fafian and the teacher Cristina Cifre presented the Spanish educational system and the Special Education system which ended with the offering of gifts from all partner countries to our hosts. 

The partners arriving at CAN RIGOL School.  Photo by Tanja Nikolovski

Photo by Tanja Nikolovski

Photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

Later on, we followed the programme of hippotherapy, which is a therapeutic method conducted in the school every Monday and almost 30 pupils participate.  We had the opportunity to learn the techniques they use in the therapeutic approach of children with autism, mental retardation and physical disabilities, but also to participate in it taking a little taste of the benefits of therapeutic riding. Finally, we had lunch at school where were we tasted the traditional escudella soup.
photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

In the afternoon, we visited "La Sagrada Família" the unique in architecture church, which attracts thousands of tourists and also had a tour around the city.

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

On Tuesday 19/4/2016 we were split into groups and we were guided throughout the school, the classes, we met the educational staff, pupils and participated for a while in classroom activities. Our break was held in the school cafeteria Tasta'M operated by secondary school students. So we were able to learn how children with special needs operate the canteen and witness the use of auxiliary equipment with cards and cash transactions.

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer
photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu
photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu
photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

Our well organized programme each day combined school activities with cultural activities adding to the goals of our project “Artemotion Xpress in Europe” which is synonymous with Art and Emotions. Thus, on Tuesday afternoon we visited the Catalan Art Museum where our tour guide transferred to us a wealth of valuable information about the history of Art in Catalonia and the surrounding area.

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

On Wednesday 20/04/2016 the traditional meeting of the coordinators was held in the morning, as it was important to discuss the so far progress of the project and to plan the future activities.

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

Meanwhile the rest of the participants attended an animated film created by a group of secondary students of Can Rigol.

Following we participated in a Yoga lesson with the participation of pupils under the direction of Rodrigo Fafian and the teacher Francisca Ocon. Specific breathing exercises and relaxation techniques help concentration and relaxation and tranquility of the students. Yoga can improve behavior, increase strength, flexibility and balance, helps to improve body image and normal growth in children with ADHD, anxiety, pupils in the spectrum of autism, with mental retardation, with difficulties in sensory processing as well as with emotional and behavioral disorders.

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

The visit to the Cathedral, Plaça Sant Jaume and the Born district was a unique experience. The streets were full of people, vivid and absolutely majestic.

On Thursday 21/4/2016 a day trip to Sitges area was planned. Unfortunately, despite the fact that it was scheduled pupils to accompany us to the trip, it has not been possible due to the bad weather conditions. In Sitges, our guide toured us around the city and its sights and we all visited the museum "The House of Rusiñol» which was a Spanish painter, poet and playwright, one of the leaders of the Catalan modernist movement. In the museum the emotions arising from the variety of paintings varied from happiness to melancholy, from laxity to stressfulness and the experience was undoubtedly wonderful.

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

On Friday 22/04/2016, the last day of the mobility, our hosts had organized a variety of workshops involving arts and feelings but also aiming to the better understanding of the curriculum activities of their school. So, we participated in a handicraft workshop, in kitchen activities, and in the "friendship’s collage." We also watched a musical-theatrical performance by pupils of the primary school concerning the celebration of Saint Jordi as it is a special day for our Catalan partners. Furthermore, we enjoyed the musical performance of the percussion group TRIPI-TAKA where we all danced along to the intense musical rhythms. Finally, outside at the yard, all the school united, pupils, teachers and European partners created a huge bonded cycle, while forgetting language barriers and closing in this way the 2nd mobility of our project and crowning it with total success.

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer

photo by Heike Eichbauer
photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu
photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Mariana Hertoiu
photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

Later in the evening, we visited the Magic Fountains of Montjuic, next to Plaza España and enjoyed a spectacular sight.

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

photo by Mariana Hertoiu

The last evening and farewell dinner were special. All the teaching staff of Can Rigol School farewelled us with lots of dance, excitement and their best wishes with the promise to meet again soon.

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

photo by Tanja Nikolovski

Thank you dear colleagues from Spain, Rodrigo, Rosa, Cristina, Nouria, Martha, Alida, Aida, Iolanda, Jaume, Jose Maria, and many other Spanish colleagues, for the great mobility, the well-structured program, the variety of activities and actions carried out, the impeccable hospitality, the unique experiences and the best exchange of good practices. You gave us the opportunity to feel through Art, to communicate, to learn and to know Catalonian customs with a unique way while at the same time connecting everything with our project «Artemotion Xpress in Europe". It was a completely successful mobility that will stay in our memory forever. Thank you very much for everything.

Editor: Mourelatou Stamoula, Main Coordinator of Erasmus+ project “Artemotion Xpress in Europe”
Photos: Mourelatou Stamoula
The coordinators of the Erasmus+ project "Artemotin Xpress in Europe", Rodrigo Fafian Amado, Tanja Nikolovski, Mariana Hertoiu, Mourelatou Stamoula, Heike Eichbauer, Patrycja Pytlik. Photo by Tanja Nikolovski

   Greek Team: Goergia, Zoi, Stami, Mina, Iraklis
Polish team: Maya, Aga, Patrycja, Agata
German team: Heike, Beate, Ilse

Romanina team: Bianca, Mariana, Silvana, Daniela, Micky
Slovenian team: Alexandra, Tanja, Tanja, Lidija, Alenka

 Germany team with main coordinator Stami

   Polish team with main coordinator

 Romanian team with main coordinator

Slovenian team with main coordinator

 Spanish team Rodri, Alida, Rosa and Stami

of the 2nd short term joint staff training and learning event from Greece, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovenia in Can Rigol School in Barcelona Spain.