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"STARS LOOKING ELVES" - A MUSICAL PUPPET SHOW; Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia

On Thursday, 22. 12. 2016, a group of students of the seventh, eighth and ninth grade has prepared a MUSICAL PUPPET SHOW ENTITLED » STARS LOOKING ELVES« . The school students choir and Orff group updated Puppet show with singing and playing. Students first triad of specific and personalized program were presented with individual performance.

The stars in the story help to two evels to find a way in a new school, where they wanted to visit students at the Christmas event. Stars can do everything and help many people, so they can easily  realize all the  their wishes.

The performance  by students was preparing in December. With the help of a mentor Mrs. Marija Arnuš,  they made a flat hand puppets. Also they have produced a further backdrop, behind which the students animate  puppets. The event was attended by students, by parents and other family members of the students in school gym.

Later Santa Claus visited them.

Enjoy in our play.

Christmas celebration and an innovative theatrical play-1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece

The last Erasmus+ activity for this year is a theatrical play where pupils will become for a while actors and actresses and feel the magic of Christmas. Our christmas celebration was divided in two parts. Firstly, we presented a dramatized song where pupils with rap sounds at first and gentel melodies later, sang a song written by Mrs Kelly Kotoula, our psychologist and composed by Mr Tasos Anitopoulos. The song is meaningul and truly inspiring.
Later on, all pupils had the chance to participate in the theatrical play «Rudolph the red nosed reindeer«, and play a part in the adventures of the reindeer while finaly saving the day!
It was a wonderful celebration that brought to light many wonderful feelings. The arts of music and theatre helped us out on our way a lot, and we all felt the Christams spirit around us.

Enjoy our video!


Dear partners and followers,

The SEE Can Rigol’s team invites you to the presentation of the new calendar from our Erasmus Plus project, Artemotion Xpress in Europe, named “We Still Have a Lot to Feel”.This calendar is the last from a trilogy dedicated to “Smiles” (2015), “Looks” (2016) and now emotions. The work has been directed by Josep Maria Rius (Physical Education teacher), Loren González (professional photographer), Alfonso Villegas (graphic designer) and the help of other professionals from Can Rigol.

The event, as a multiplier event, adds value to our project and will take place next wednesday December 21th at 12:00 h in the multipurpose room of CEE Can Rigol. If someone is travelling on those dates to Barcelona… you will be very welcome! 

Rodrigo Fafián, school coordinator CEE Can Rigol  


Slovenian teacher's Impresions about meeting in Sibiu

For me it was good, new experience. Lots of interesting content, that I can use in my work in school.
Since I love to dance, I most  remember dance workshop. In my daily work in school I use dance and games with students, so I got a lot of a new ideas. I also enjoyed at the closing ceremony when we are together - with the students - dance to the rhythms of Romanian music.
Of course each specifically  workshop  gave me some material for my  work in the school.
In short, congratulations to the organizers and thank you for all the beautiful moments spent with all of you!
Tamara Tomašič, special teacher in
dr. Ljudevita Pivka primary school, Ptuj, Slovenia

Each professional mobility is an opportunity to find out and see something new. That's why my visit school in Sibiu and participate in workshops not leave me indifferent. Extremely hospitable, friendly and patient hosts and the whole program performed professionally. As an art educator inspired me activities in the field of fine arts. I learned a lot of new and useful ideas for my daily work. I especially remembered for top-quality performance evening - workshop of art therapy. Such meetings encourage me to greater motivation for learning in all areas of better quality team work, improving social relationships, learning foreign languages ....
Once again, congratulations to the organizers, for  presented and implemented activities on a such professional high level.
Alenka Kosem, art teacher in
dr. Ljudevita Pivka primary school, Ptuj, Slovenia

It was an amazing meeting which wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of CSEI Sibiu teacher's entire team. It was diifferent and unique experience for me in many ways – it promotes intercultural exhanges and the knowladge of a lot of other teaching methods and great ideas of a teachers works with students.

Dear CSEI teachers, students and headmistress, I wish you all the best and thank you again for all the work you have done for the meeting and for Us.
Tanja Nikolovski, special teacher and project coordinator in
dr. Ljudevita Pivka primary school, Ptuj, Slovenia

Travel and staying  in Romania was a special experience for me, because it has exceeded my expectations. I met  open and friendly  teachers  who  show professionalism, creativity, friendliness, openness, ingenuity, ...
Despite the deteriorating environmental conditions, they create pleasant atmosphere at school and  with their creative methods of work they have get great  successes and above all  they bring  smiles on the faces of their students which counts most  in my opinion .
Everything  they showed seemed important to me and useful to remember and later use in our environment.
The Romanian team that has been with us,  was acting in concert, strong bonds of friendship are woven among them, which allows them to practice even more successfully and above all, be happy. I congratulate them, because we felt like  at home with them and accepted, and we all enjoyed the stay. It was just enough of everything: work, education, spiritual food and entertainment. Thank you!
I can not and do not want to expose any workshop, as all interesting were and a lot of work and creativity has been invested in them. I enjoyed every day at work and with socializing.

I have to admit that I was positively surprised by the displayed professionalism, the acceptance we experienced and the historical and cultural sites we visited in.
Borislava Munda,  principal assistant and school psychologist in dr. Ljudevita Pivka primary school, Ptuj, Slovenia



Dear followers,

We are pleased to present  the Making Of our annual calendar. Two years ago ( 2015) the topic of the calendar was "Smiles" and last year was "Glances". This time we have completed the trilogy under the title "The beauty of Feeling". We really hope you like this video and be truly excited as we did while we were working on it with the pupils.

Look, smile, feel.....


PHRONETIK art terapy workshop (

Laura Burnete from Sibiu,  reminded us how was at her workshop after a month.

Klik on the link below and you'll enter to the text and photos on  her blog.


CEE CAN RIGOL - EMOTIONS Trough childrens eyes

We present activity number 7 of the project Artemotion Xpress in Europe. This time the students from Secondary Education have investigated techniques of photography to leave the classroom and hunt emotions with the camera. They have learned a lot, we hope you like the result!"

"Erasmus+ una oportunitat sectore scolar i d'adults" seminar

As a Spanish Erasmus+ coordinator in the CEE Can Rigol - El Prat de Llobregat, on the 26th October  I went to the "Erasmus+ una oportunitat sectore scolar i d'adults" seminar to present our project " Artemotion Xpress in Europe".  
They asked me about our priorities, the impact, dissemination, etc. People were very interested and the education system inspectors gave me congratulations for the presentation and also for all the team because our fantastic project and our job. So dear partners....CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL and thank you for your effort.

Mr. Rodrigo Fafian, spanish school Erasmus+ coordinator


The autumn's surprises" - extra activity_the 4th of November 2016 - CSEI No 1 Sibiu

                      Autumn inspires and fascinates us every time, through the colors, textures, smells and even the emotions, smiles, plans and achievements.
                      We wanted to share with you, our pupils’ creations in order to illustrate some of these feelings.

The emotions through teachers' eyes" - Extra activity_the 3rd of November 2016 Sibiu, Romania .


1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece. -"The emotions through children’s eyes”.

1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece. 

Our first official activity for the new school year is “The emotions through children’s eyes”.  Pupils had to take many photos with different facial expressions while imprinting various emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, love, disappointment, fear etc. Art and Emotions join again.
At first, we took advantage of our summer field trip where parents and children cooperated and spent many happy moments playing the game of emotions. The first part of the video is also a tribute for the pupils who have graduated reminding us of the great time we all had together.
September marks the opening of the new school year, thus, all pupils, newcomers, old ones and educational staff, cooperated to make a video full of emotions and in this way found a way to bond and reunite after the summer holidays.
Do not hesitate to turn the video into a game and play “Can you guess the feeling?”
Hope you all enjoy it!"

The emotions through children's eyes" - Activity no 7_CSEI Sibiu, Romania

The emotions through children's eyes" - Activity no 7_CSEI Sibiu, Romania

It is the first activity of the second project  year. The students attended to many activities from September to October and they experienced a lot of emotions from anxiety to cheerfulness and happiness.
During the activities, some of the students took photos and captured the emotions of their colleagues. The planned activities so far have focused on emotions, feelings and expressing them. Besides these, the teachers try to offer new information to the students or to brush up the learned  knowledge in each activity.

The 3rd SHORT TERM JOINT STAFF TRAINING AND LEARNING EVENT, held in School Centre for Inclusive Education No 1 Sibiu, Romania, 10-14 October 2016.

The 3rd SHORT TERM JOINT STAFF TRAINING AND LEARNING EVENT, held in School Centre for Inclusive Education No 1 Sibiu, Romania, 10-14 October 2016.



“The mobility to Romania was characterized by the flawless organization of the program and the warm hospitality. The presentation of their educational program was analytical and comprehensive. The workshops have been a source of new experiences and social interaction. During the trips, we had the opportunity to get familiar with the culture of the country and their customs. The conversation between the participants of the project was prosperous and fruitful as we exchanged information about the educational systems around Europe and learned more about each culture”.
Giota Giannoula - Special Education Gymnastics Teacher

“The mobility was really well organized. The Romanian partners welcomed us warmly and offered their hospitality. We learned through their presentation about the special and typical educational system which is rather close to ours in Greece. The workshops were excellent and will be implemented by us in the future with some modifications depending on pupil’s dexterities. The communication and discussions with the partners of all the countries gave us the chance to compare our educational systems and thus define the advantages and disadvantages of each. The cultural trips gave us the opportunity to learn about the Romanian history. Last but not least, their natural and environmental wealth raised our awareness for the protection of nature”.
Ferentinos Andreas – Teacher

“The mobility to Romania and CSIE No1 Sibiu was absolutely perfect. Our Romanian partners set an example of hospitality, well organized program and activities, a wealth of workshops and seminars, kindness and sincerity. Thank you very much for the opportunity to meet you once again, to get to know your culture and customs and of course for the best exchange of good practices. You will be in our memory forever”.
Mourelatou Stamoula – Occupational Therapist – Main Coordinator

“What can I say about Sibiu?
Words are not enough to describe the Romanian hospitality, the interesting workshops at school, the picturesque nature, the exciting history of the area that is vivid throughout the country.
All I can is to describe how I felt during our 3rd mobility to Romania. Friendship was evident in all group meetings, whether they had an educative character or an entertaining one. I felt curious to know more about the techniques presented in the workshops, to know more about the eventful history dating back to the Roman times, to visit every museum and every castle or historic place. I felt relaxed enjoying the refreshing mountain air and the peacefulness of the forests.
Thank you Romanian colleagues! I think each of you took out a piece of your heart for us in this visit, and be sure I will treasure the piece that reached my heart for ever”.
Kalliopi Kotoula – Psychologist

“The 3rd short term joint staff training and learning event, which was held in Sibiu, Romania had been a very special experience for me. The welcoming of the Romanian partners and pupils was really warm, sincere and honest. Their hospitality was unique and the planned workshops and activities were very interesting, well organized, interactive and educational. Mariana Hertoiu, the Romanian Erasmus+ project coordinator, was an excellent and caring hostess during the whole mobility.
This visit gave us the opportunity to learn new teaching methods, to be informed about the Romanian educational system and the Romanian history and customs, to see beautiful places and landscapes, to bond and have a great time with our colleagues from each country of the partnership.
Dear partners from Romania, Mariana, Daniela, Micky, Bianca, Silvana, Alexandra, Dan and all others, thank you for this unique experience”.
Mina Micha – Speech Language Therapist


The third short term joint staff training and learning event in the city of Sibiu has been completed successfully. 19 teachers, coordinators and participants in the project "Artemotion Xpress in Europe", from each country of the partnership, met in School Center for Inclusive Education No1, from 10 to 14 of October 2016, to exchange best practices and thus improve the quality of schools and their teaching methods on their return.

Romanian team
(Mihaela Muresanu, Mariana Hertoiu – coordinator, Silvana Serb, Bianca Feldera, Daniela Bardas)
Greek team
(Micha Mina, Ferentinos Andreas, Kotoula Kelly, Mourelatou Stamoula - coordinator, Giota Gianna)
German team
 (Helmar Schartner, Annemarie Schunn, Heike Eichbauer - coordinator, )
Slovenian team
Tanja  Nikolovski - coordinator, Borislava Munda,  Alenka Kosem, Tamara Tomasič, )
Poland team
(Agata Wojakowicz,
 Maria Kukofka, Patrycja Pytlik - coordinator, Urszula Adamska)
Spanish team
Rodrigo Fafian-coordinator, Gemma Bello, Marta Pons, )

Our Romanian partners set an example of hospitality, thorough organization, methodology and teaching techniques. The welcoming of the Romanian partners and pupils was full of enthusiasm. Their hospitality was warm and sincere. Mariana Hertoiu, the Romanian Coordinator, with the school’s Erasmus+ team and the cooperation of their colleagues, prepared a unique program where the planned activities were truly inspiring, well organized, interactive and absolutely educational. They were tireless hosts throughout the mobility, full of energy, enthusiasm and love for their work and the project.

Sunday 9.10.2016, was the day of the arrival in Sibiu of the participants of every partner school (Greece, Germany, Poland, Spain, Slovenia). In the evening we were welcomed by the coordinator of the corporate school of Sibiu, Mrs Mariana Hertoiu and enjoyed a welcome dinner.

On Monday 10.10.2016 we visited the Astra Library where we were welcomed by Sibiu officials, Mrs.Delia Stoicescu - Special Education Inspector, Mrs. Anca Voineag, Educative Programs and Projects Inspector Sibiu, County Council representatives, local mass-media representatives and the Principal of the school Mrs. Rodica Fagetan. Followed a PPT presentation of the Sibiu School Center of Inclusive Education No. 1 and the National Education System by Mrs. Laura Opris.

Afterwards, we arrived to CSEI No1 Sibiu, where we were welcomed with great enthusiasm by the pupils and educational staff. We tasted salted bread as it is an old Romanian custom and entered the school. Pupils were holding a handmade colorful welcome poster.

Later on, our partners gave us a tour around the school to get familiar with the classes and workshops and to be introduced to the pupils. We also attended the performance of a group of pupils called “The wonders of the world”, which was a music and dance activity, and songs sung by pupils while creating a unique orchestra with simple instruments.

In the afternoon, we visited Astra Village Museum Sibiu which is an open air museum where there are workshops, traditional houses and works of folk art. It was an incredible visit as it showed us the evolution of house architecture and the environment was magnificent. Last but not least, we had a tour around the wonderful historical city.

On Tuesday 11.10.2016 we attended a workshop called “How to make a photo report” and we are all assigned to produce a photo report until the 10th of November. Daniella Bardas and Mihaela Muresanu, introduced us to a useful technique of photo presentation through the use of power point where photos and images can tell a visual story.

 A second workshop introduced by Silvana Serb was the EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, where they demonstrated the basic steps for emotional freedom while using the tapping points. It is mostly a psychological approach to overcome emotional difficulties concerning a variety of situations eg stress, anxiety, failure, fears and phobias, chronic health issues etc. EFT is a self-healing and peak performance tool that brings relief from emotional and physical problems by using key phrases while tapping on the body’s acupuncture meridians.

Each day, our well organized program combined school activities with cultural activities adding to the goals of our project “Artemotion Xpress in Europe” which is synonymous with Art and Emotions. Thus, on Tuesday afternoon we visited “Carolina Alba Iulia” Fortress and Turda Salt Mine where our tour guides transferred to us a wealth of valuable information about the history of Romania, Sibiu and the surrounding area.

On Wednesday 12.10.2016 all of the participants attended various workshops such as “Magic circle”, “The heart’s map”, “The heart’s colors”, music therapy, drawing workshops for emotions by Alexandra Moldovan, Bianca Feldera and other colleagues.
All these workshops have demonstrated methodologies and specific art techniques aiming at improving pupils’ expressive abilities, their social relation skills and their social behavior; they encourage their personal development, the expression of their feelings, raising awareness, developing social and human skills.

Later on, a dance workshop was held at the German Forum by Csilla Gaspar called “Dance – Way of Communication”. All partners participated in dance techniques aiming to the space orientation of pupils, the gross motor development, the distinction between right and left side, their emotional expression, rhythm etc.


The second official transnational meeting of the coordinators was held as it was important to discuss the so far progress of the project and to plan the future activities. Thalia our muse and maskot, was delivered by Spain to our hosts, to explore a new European civilization and to attend new classes and project activities.

Following, we visited Brukenthal Museum were we witnessed the development of art through the ages in Romania.  The Art Galleries are located inside the Brukenthal Palace and include a number of about 1,200 works belonging to the main European schools of painting, from the 15th to the 18th century. The Galleries also include collections of engravings, books, numismatics, and minerals.

On Thursday 13.10.2016 an outdoor activity was held “Feel the arts and express your feelings through our traditions”. It was a cultural trip to the center of Transylvania, were we visited Peles Castle in Sinaia Brasov and Bran Castle learning more about Transylvanian and Karpathian history and the legend of Dracula.

On Friday 14.10.2016, the last day of the mobility, our hosts had organized a variety of workshops involving arts and feelings with teaching techniques and methodologies. All partners where divided into two groups and attended two different workshops.
The first one was a dance, music and art workshop, where we learned many warm up activities such as:
 - “Name by movement” (participants moved their bodies spontaneously to present their name)
- “Dance stop” (move and dance to music freely and when the music stops, make a freeze/pose)
- “Dance catch” (1-3 catchers have the goal to catch the participants by giving them a dance step/movement and facial expression)
- “Dance theatre”
- “Blind walks” (where we divided into groups of two, one was blindfolded and the other had to guide his or her partner through the crowd while using a specific secret to the other participants voice or noise).
- “Rhythm games”, (we explored simple and more complicated rhythms and discovered the possibilities of using language rhythmically).
- Clapping games to explore vocabulary of a subject being studied (eg learn new words, to practice the proper pronunciation of foreign language words, to improvise statements about a specific subject such as feelings etc).
- Dance and music activity
- Art visual activity

The second workshop was called “Stop Motion” and it was about making an animation movie using stop motion technique.
Stop motion technique is an animation technique that physically manipulates an object so that it appears to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence.
We used playmobil figures. We created the movie using Windows Movie Maker software.

Later on we visited the “Casa Luminii” Center (“The Light’s house” Center) and were introduced to the pupils of kindergarten with severe intellectual disabilities.

On the return to school we attended the performance of pupils in a dance and music show where they sung traditional songs and danced folk music from Transylvania as a farewell. The feelings were incredible, happiness, enthusiasm, sadness as the mobility reached it end but mostly a feeling of fulfillment and a promise to meet again.

At the end, the participant filled in the feedback questionnaire and discussed the eventual impressions and conclusions of the whole week activities. The awarding certificates where given to each partner school.

The last evening and farewell dinner were truly special. The teaching staff of CSIE No1 Sibiu farewelled us with lots of modern and folk dance and songs. The strong friendship and bond between all participants was obvious as we all danced together and shared a wonderful time full of excitement, happiness and overwhelming feelings. 
Our Romanian partners surprised us once again as at midnight a big birthday cake appeared. Our project celebrated it first year of implementation and we all wished Happy Birthday with a special Artemotion Xpress in Europe birthday cake and all together blew the candle.

Thank you dear colleagues from Sibiu, Mariana, Bianca, Alexandra, Daniela, Mickey, Silvana, Dany, the principal Mrs Rodica Fagetan and many other Romanian colleagues, for the great mobility, the well-structured program, the variety of activities and actions carried out, the impeccable hospitality, the unique experiences and the best exchange of good practices. You set an example to all of us and gave us the opportunity to feel through Art, to communicate, to learn and to know Transylvanian customs with a unique way while at the same time connecting everything with our project «Artemotion Xpress in Europe". It was a completely successful mobility that will stay in our memory forever. Thank you very much for everything.