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Christmas celebration and an innovative theatrical play-1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece

The last Erasmus+ activity for this year is a theatrical play where pupils will become for a while actors and actresses and feel the magic of Christmas. Our christmas celebration was divided in two parts. Firstly, we presented a dramatized song where pupils with rap sounds at first and gentel melodies later, sang a song written by Mrs Kelly Kotoula, our psychologist and composed by Mr Tasos Anitopoulos. The song is meaningul and truly inspiring.
Later on, all pupils had the chance to participate in the theatrical play «Rudolph the red nosed reindeer«, and play a part in the adventures of the reindeer while finaly saving the day!
It was a wonderful celebration that brought to light many wonderful feelings. The arts of music and theatre helped us out on our way a lot, and we all felt the Christams spirit around us.

Enjoy our video!

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