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“The mobility to Romania was characterized by the flawless organization of the program and the warm hospitality. The presentation of their educational program was analytical and comprehensive. The workshops have been a source of new experiences and social interaction. During the trips, we had the opportunity to get familiar with the culture of the country and their customs. The conversation between the participants of the project was prosperous and fruitful as we exchanged information about the educational systems around Europe and learned more about each culture”.
Giota Giannoula - Special Education Gymnastics Teacher

“The mobility was really well organized. The Romanian partners welcomed us warmly and offered their hospitality. We learned through their presentation about the special and typical educational system which is rather close to ours in Greece. The workshops were excellent and will be implemented by us in the future with some modifications depending on pupil’s dexterities. The communication and discussions with the partners of all the countries gave us the chance to compare our educational systems and thus define the advantages and disadvantages of each. The cultural trips gave us the opportunity to learn about the Romanian history. Last but not least, their natural and environmental wealth raised our awareness for the protection of nature”.
Ferentinos Andreas – Teacher

“The mobility to Romania and CSIE No1 Sibiu was absolutely perfect. Our Romanian partners set an example of hospitality, well organized program and activities, a wealth of workshops and seminars, kindness and sincerity. Thank you very much for the opportunity to meet you once again, to get to know your culture and customs and of course for the best exchange of good practices. You will be in our memory forever”.
Mourelatou Stamoula – Occupational Therapist – Main Coordinator

“What can I say about Sibiu?
Words are not enough to describe the Romanian hospitality, the interesting workshops at school, the picturesque nature, the exciting history of the area that is vivid throughout the country.
All I can is to describe how I felt during our 3rd mobility to Romania. Friendship was evident in all group meetings, whether they had an educative character or an entertaining one. I felt curious to know more about the techniques presented in the workshops, to know more about the eventful history dating back to the Roman times, to visit every museum and every castle or historic place. I felt relaxed enjoying the refreshing mountain air and the peacefulness of the forests.
Thank you Romanian colleagues! I think each of you took out a piece of your heart for us in this visit, and be sure I will treasure the piece that reached my heart for ever”.
Kalliopi Kotoula – Psychologist

“The 3rd short term joint staff training and learning event, which was held in Sibiu, Romania had been a very special experience for me. The welcoming of the Romanian partners and pupils was really warm, sincere and honest. Their hospitality was unique and the planned workshops and activities were very interesting, well organized, interactive and educational. Mariana Hertoiu, the Romanian Erasmus+ project coordinator, was an excellent and caring hostess during the whole mobility.
This visit gave us the opportunity to learn new teaching methods, to be informed about the Romanian educational system and the Romanian history and customs, to see beautiful places and landscapes, to bond and have a great time with our colleagues from each country of the partnership.
Dear partners from Romania, Mariana, Daniela, Micky, Bianca, Silvana, Alexandra, Dan and all others, thank you for this unique experience”.
Mina Micha – Speech Language Therapist

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