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Impressions of the 2nd short term joint staff training and learning activity in Can Rigol School Barcelona - Slovenian team

Tanja Knehtl, occupational therapist, from Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia

Personally, I like warm, vivid colors and these are accompanied me every step in the school. Just the atmosphere and the relationship between the students and the staff was very pleasant. I enjoyed socializing and outdoor activities. I like the presentation of daily activities, which are also presented how important activities for independent living are (ironing, folding clothes, making beds beds, sewing, ...).
 I got  many ideas  in the classroom, where students are engaged in the work for the teachers's  needs  (cutting, stapling, laminating, production of teaching material, ...). Thank you for the opportunity that we had with the students in the workshops, so in this way we feelt  the atmosphere and the students  too. School bar was something very special, and the students were great  Caterers. 

My impressions while visiting school CEE Can Rigol is very positive, thanks to the students and the staff for the warm welcome and all the activities that they  prepared for us.  I got many ideas, which  they can be use in my work.

Alenka Kosem, Art Teacher from Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia

Barcelona and El Prat de Llobregat are  cities with a rich history, architecture, great temperament and also I have experienced like that too. With the daily activities in the school CEE CAN RIGOL  I  captivated with character of the people, their peaceful pace of life, which is reflected on a very friendly professional school staff and indirectly on students. At this calm, you get the feeling that everybody on the easier way  overcome obstacles and conquering new knowledge and experience. Even the visual image of the school, equipped with art products full of diverse colors expresses warmth and cosiness.
With carefully choosing and great prepared activities which we  attended, you realize the importance of the integration of intercultural education in different areas of school work and increasing the socio-cultural awareness, integration, inclusion and thus the quality of education. Such activities contribute to the breaking down of borders between countries, cultures, languages ... but also borders within ourselves, which we may not be aware of.

Tanja Nikolovski, special teacher and school Erasmus+ coordinator

Visited school CEE Can Rigol has been fantastic experiance: I've met marvelous teachers and learnt  lot from their, got many useful ideas for my work with students and really enjoyed every single moment in all the activities you have arranged for us. I saw  many very entusiastic teachers.
I like the Colourful of the school places. It is evident that all the school staff entirely dedicated to this difficult profession. Every visitors of the CEE CAN RIGOL school can feel  like at home, and very warm welcome. The time and emotions I've felt with the teachers and students from your school I will remember forever.
Also We saw how much you have done for the success of every activity of the programme. Visited amazing places in El Prat de Llobregat,  Barcelona and Sigets gave me unforgettable moments. Thanks for all these things and thanks to have hosted us in your beautiful country.

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