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11th ACTIVITY, "pet time - happy time". CEE CAN RIGOL, El Prat de Llobregat - Spain.

The 11th official activity of the Erasmus + project «Artemotion Xpress in Europe» is called «Pet time Happy time». It was chosen to take place after the completion of the short term joint staff training and learning event in Ptuj, Slovenia, as we attended an introductory seminar on the use of pets, especially dogs, at school and in the classroom. Our Slovenian partners use trained therapeutic dogs regularly and observe enormous changes in their pupils” behavior, notably in feelings, concentration, sociability.
The objectives of our activity:
1. Contact – acquaintance of teachers’ pets with the pupils
2. Monitor the reactions and feelings developed by the contact with the pets
3. Express these feelings through paintings and words.

Hope you like the video!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pets and pupils are combined extraordinary! The benefits are great. Fantastic video. Congratulations partners on your great work. Many kisses from Greece.