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SEE Can Rigol present a fun summary of our project's activity called "READ ME - FEEL ME"

Dear followers,

Pupils from the Transition to Adult Life Programme ( OTVA ) of SEC Can Rigol present a fun summary of our project's activity number 9 called "READ ME - FEEL ME". They read an Aesop's famos fable, The Hare and the turtle, and also watched a short animated movie. After that they discussed about what is the lesson we can take from this fable. In addition pupils expressed their feelings and emotions about the story, the characters and the whole activity process.
Do you want to know more about it? Then play the video! Subtitles available in English!


Unknown said...

Congratulations to the pupils and teachers for such a great work!!Mina.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your wonderful activity. It is so nice seeing the Aesop's fables been worked on in so many different ways! Excellent as always. Our love from Greece. Stami.