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“Classical music concert” April 2016 – extra activity, CSEI No 1 Sibiu, Romania

The students had chance to go to an educational concert of classical music at the State Philharmonic of Sibiu. The goal of these educational concerts, organized by the State Philharmonic of Sibiu, is to provide musical education to the students, enabling them to enhance the understanding of the art of music. The students couldfeel and experience the force or the elegance of the music, feelings of melancholy, sadness or joy, by enering the musical atmosphere. The students liked and enjoyed very much this experiance, while discovering the beauty of classical music in a concert hall.

ZSSnr6 Bytom, Poland recorded a PROJECT SONG

The idea was that the project song should be full of emotions and for children :-) .


“The secrets of Ancient Egypt!”- extra activity, April 2016, CSEI No 1 Sibiu, Romania

The students os school Center for Inclusive Education NO1 Sibiu, had the chance to visit the first interactive exhibition at the museum of Ethnography Franz Binder from Sibiu. They had the opportunity to find out about the history and traditions of The Ancient Egypt. The historical events, the habits and the famous people were presented and explained by the guide to the students according to their level of understanding. The students had an unique experience with every step they made, in a education place where they discovered step by step the secret of the Ancient Egypt. They took part in a non-formal unique learning activity. They also felt many emotions through the interactive incursion in the mankind's greatest historical age, the time of pharaons and the pyramids. Enjoy our video!

“Getting to know an artist"- Activity No 5.2 – April 2016, CSEI No1 Sibiu, Romania

In the "Getting to know an artist" activity, the students of class 5th together with their teachers Mihaela Muresanu and Maria Hertoiu, chose to meet Mihaela Ionescu, a painter and interior designer. They went to Mihaela Ionescu’s workshop, in order to meet her. At the artist's studio, the students discussed about her work, about the emotions experienced, admiring her paintings. Among the paintings exposed in the workshop, every students had chosen a painting they liked most and tried to reproduce it. 
We thank from our hearts to Mihaela Ionescu for her warmer welcome in her studio and for offering us a very beautiful education activity. This activity had a positive emotional impact upon our students from the school Center of Inclusive Education NO.1 Sibiu. Enjoy our video!


ZSSnr6 Bytom, Poland presents

(Getting to know each other)

(Christmas journalist – Christmas dance )

(The materials are playing with the emotions)

( face puzzle )

( painting music )


"Artemotionxpress in Europe" big Brochures

Our project is titled «Artemotion Xpress in Europe» and promises art, motion, emotion, interactiveness, education, creativity and collaboration.
Duration of the project is 30 months (1/9/2015 – 28/2/2018), with the participation of 6 countries with the respective following coordinators: Germany – Ms Heike Eichbauer, special education teacher, Poland – Ms Patrycja Pytlik, special education teacher, Romania – Ms Mariana Hertoiu, special education teacher , Slovenia – Ms Tanja Nikolovski, special education teacher, Spain – Mr Rodrigo Fafian Amado, special education teacher / IT facilitator, with main coordinator of the project Ms Mourelatou Stamoula, occupational therapist at the 1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos Greece.
What is Erasmus +
According to the National Agency:  «Eramus+ is the European Commission’s programme for education, training, youth and sport, aiming at strengthening the skills and employability and the modernization of education, training and youth, in all sectors of Lifelong Learning (Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training, Adult Education, School Education, youth activities, etc.). The Eramus+ programme is structured into 3 main actions (Key Actions) for education, training and youth which are:
• Key Action 1 (KA1/VD1): Mobility of people.
• Key Action 2 (KA2/VD2): Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
• Key Action 3 (KA3/VD3): Support to policy reform issues».
Key Action 2: Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
This key action of the programme includes projects run both by the National Agencies (decentralized actions) and the European Commission’s Executive Agency of Education, Audiovisual and Culture (key actions-Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency).
This Key Action supports:
• Strategic partnerships in the fields of education, training and youth (decentralized actions).
• Knowledge Alliances (Centralised).
• Sector Skills Alliances (Centralised).
• Development Capabilities in the field of youth (Centralised).
The actions supported by this Key Action are expected to generate positive long term outcomes for participants, policy schemes covering such actions, as well as the people involved directly or indirectly in regulated activities. Strategic Partnerships / Partnerships decentralized activity and related cooperation projects, enable participating organizations to address jointly key issues, develop partnerships and share innovative practices.Under Erasmus+ one organization will lead the project and manage the activities and funding on behalf of the partnership. Different sizes of partnership are possible so that smaller organizations can get involved.

Text editors:  Ms Mourelatou Stamoula, Occupational Therapist 
                       Ms Micha Asimina, Speech and Language Therapist

(click the link)




Slovenian brochure


Secondary Education students from Can Rigol painted two classical music.

Secundary Education students from Can Rigol painted two classical music pieces: " Adagio" from Albinoni and "Danza del fuego" from Falla. Look what happened and enjoy our video! "