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"ARTEMOTION XPRESS IN EUROPE" - Mini brochures in partner languages

Brochure in Greek
Brochure in  German
 Brochure in  Romanian
 Brochure in  Slovenian

 Brochure in  Catalan



“Getting to know an artist” was the 5.2 official activity of our project “Artemotion Xpress in Europe”. Two school classes worked on this activity with their teachers. The aim was to get to know an artist and his/her work and then meet in real life! The excitement of the pupils was huge!
At first, teachers and pupils decided to work on a local artist, painter and writer, Ms Olga Chanouza. They searched the internet to find information about her biography and paintings. They prepared a short P.P. presentation on her artistic work. They analyzed her paintings and worked on Language lesson on a poem called “You are my strength” and even made paintings according to the meaning of the poem.
In a predetermined time, Ms Chanouza visited our school. Pupils presented their preliminary work and all together analyzed her paintings and poem. Later, Ms Chanouza presented to all some of her new paintings and children expressed what they saw and how they felt.
Lastly, all together we painted as our minds and hearts were full of colors, imagination, enthusiasm and a great desire to paint along with the artist.
Enjoy our video. 

POSTER - 1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece.

With great enthusiasm and passion the main coordinator Ms Mourelatou Stamoula OT, 1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, created a poster for the European program «Artemotion Xpress in Europe», in order to enrich the school’s info point about the program and make sure that our teamwork and effort will be noticed.


“Painting music” was the 5.1 official activity of our project “Artemotion Xpress in Europe”. Two classes of our school worked on this activity with their teachers. Pupils had to sit around a large piece of paper and while listening to happy and sad classic music they had to paint what the music made them feel! It was a beautiful activity and children loved it! It is essential to point out that different music hearings influenced pupil’s feelings and they expressed different moods which were represented by different choices of colors and different choices of paintings. For example for the happy music they chose vivid and bright colors with abstract, curvy lines or happy faces whereas for the sad music they chose dark and moody colors with sad faces, rain, clouds etc.

We hope that you will enjoy our video. 


German and Spanish pupils talk by Skype

German and Spanish pupils have conected on 18. th March in the  morning via Skype. They have enjoyed a lot introducing themselves to the others. More skype connections soon, looking forward to see you again!!!

“Painting music” - Activity no 5_March 2016 - CSEI No1, Sibiu, Romania

In the activity our students experimented the relationships between lines, colors and mood by painting, while they were listening to music.
The students listenes to samples of music and chose colours to create paintings based on the mood inspirated by the music samples.
They also learnes about several pieces of classical and celtic music. The students participated in the discussions, they reflected on what they painted, why they chose the particular lines or colors, how their picture correlated with the music. The students enjoyed very much this activity. I hope you like it too.


THE SCULPTURAL FORMA VIVA - Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka, Ptuj, Slovenia

As in the previous years, again we were pleased to attend the festival Forma viva in Pragersko. In a two-day sculpture-carving workshop,  pupils from surrounding schools  work with the wood. Our school was represented by three students of the specific program of education: Andrej Gjörek, Gjörek Janko and Rajko Bučar  with their mentor  Jasna Veber Zazula, art teacher.
The pupils are passionate musicians, so they decided that the wood will symbolically rendered image of the string. The first day they  were steadily carved in the wood,  the second day, shaped wooden relief  were upgraded with modernist selected pieces of scrap metal and wire. They have produced two terrain with which they delight all those participants.
Both creative days,  they gave them a lot of  rich experience in the field of design in  wood processing. Students  upgraded  its ability to operate with machinery and handheld, carving tools, and established contacts with students from surrounding schools. Reliefs were presented in the group exhibition at the cultural center Pragersko.

Jasna Veber zazula


1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, Greece. February 2016, Activity: “Face Puzzle”

The 4th official activity of the project "ArtEmotion Xpress in Europe" was «Face puzzle". Initially, students from all the partner schools had to photograph the faces of their peers while making various facial expressions representing emotions like joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise.

In Special education primary school of Korydallos, we printed the photos in A3 paper and plasticized them. Students with the help of their teachers cut the photos to 3 to 20 pieces depending on the degree of difficulty they wanted to have the puzzles for each student and always in accordance with their functional capabilities.

The activity was completed in each class separately and you can watch from the video below the procedure, impressions and feelings arousing during its implementation.