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A few words about the schools of the partnership

The partnership consists of 6 european schools : Greece, which is the coordinating country, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Spain. 


The 1st Special Education Primary School of Korydallos, Athens, is a public school that provides Special Education to 45 pupils aged 6 to 14 years old, with developmental disorders such as: autistic spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, psycho-kinetic disorders, mental retardation, learning difficulties, behavioral disorders. 

All our students are supported by the multidisciplinary team which includes: special education teachers, social worker, psychologist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, physical education teacher and personal health assistant.

Each pupil follows a personalized educational programme based on his/her abilities, dexterities and needs. All our students are provided with systematic, scientific and combined support through special education programmes, teaching methods, the use of special education and teaching aids/tools. All our programs are supported with the use of modern ICT technology.

The 1st Special Education Kindergarten of Korydallos is, also, located in our school.


Karl-Georg-Haldenwang-School in Bad Teinach- Zavelstein, is a special school for children and adolescents from 6- 19 years. It is divided in three departments according to the age of the pupils: 4 years of elementary level, 5 years of secondary level and three years of vocational level.

Our school provides to 110 pupils with a wide range of special needs, from mild to severe mental disability, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Down- Syndrome, sometimes combined with severe behavioral problems. Around 30 % of the pupils have a migratory background. Attached to the school are a special kindergarten and an early intervention department.

Our school mission statement, developed by all the staff, pupils and parents consists of 5 guiding principles: Everybody is important. Everybody tries to understand and everybody communicates in his personal way. Everybody is encouraged in his way of independent and self-determined living. Everybody is encouraged to actively participate in society .Everybody contributes his knowledge and skills to the process of education.


Zespół Szkół Specjalnych no. 6 in Bytom, is an institution for children with special educational needs, ranging from mild to moderate developmental disabilities. It consists of primary and lower secondary school. Apart from the mental disorders, the pupils have emotional and behavioral disabilities; they are at risk of exclusion and demoralization. There are students with Autism Syndrome.

We have 150 students, aged 6–20 working with special educational teachers, psychologists, therapists, physical therapists.

The school is situated in the city with a high indicator of unemployment, the social – economical degradation due to the fact of the permanent changes in the local economy. The majority of pupils at school come from the socio-economically disadvantages areas, the families at risk of social pathology; there are a lot of social orphans, who live at the local children’s homes.


School Centre for Inclusive Education No 1 Sibiu Romania is a special school for children with moderate and severe mental deficiencies, and with associated difficulties. We have about 180 SEN students, with classes from kindergarten to VIII grade. The school also offers educational services for SEN children integrated in mainstream schools through supporting teachers.

Some of the classes are specialized for autistic spectrum disorder. Near these students, with a variety of deficiencies like mental deficiencies, sensory deficiencies, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, autistic elements, ADHD, etc., the school offers education to children with serious social and familial problems as poverty, alcoholism etc.  In our school, over 60% of students are Roma students; social disadvantaged pupils about 70%.

The teachers have higher education with specialization in psychology, psycho pedagogy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, arts, kinetotherapy. We have teachers with experience in working with non-verbal children (autism, severe cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome etc.) using the total communication approach: signs, finger spelling, icons, symbols, speech etc.


Elementary school Dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj is an educational institution for children with mental disabilities.

The following programs are implemented within the educational activities of the school:

- Personalized training programme with lower educational standards: from grades 1 to 9. This programme includes children with mild mental disabilities.
- The special educational programme from grades 1 to 6, where children are included with moderate, severe and profound intellectual disabilities. These topics are a modified curriculum and in accordance with an individualized programme, created by the professional team in consultation and agreement with the parents.

Spheres of Activity:
• Elementary school with lower educational standard ( OŠ PP NIS)
• Departments for education and training (OVI)
• Specialized mobile pedagogical service (MSP)   
• Department of after-school care (OPB)

School Staff:
• Professional workers of the institution are special education teachers - special educators, a psychologist and occupational therapist, speech therapist, librarian, mobile special education teachers for helping pupils with specific learning difficulties.
• Technical and administrative workers and the institution management are also included in the all-day programme.
• The activities described are financed by Ministry of Education (state level), and in a small part also by those municipalities whose pupils attend the school (local level).

All school staff is qualified in implementing modern methods, active-participative and use various tools to achieve development objectives students including promoting and fostering communication, feelings.


CEE Can Rigol is a public special educational institution located in El Prat de Llobregat, a small province of Barcelona, with a population of 63.400 people. The institution treats pupils from El Prat de Llobregat, but also from other nearby areas.

CEE Can Rigol provides Special Education and assistance to 95 pupils, aged from 3 to 21 years old, with several disorders and disabilities, originated from various socioeconomic backgrounds.

All students are supported by an interdisciplinary team consisted of special education teachers and assistants, physical education teachers, speech-language therapists, physical therapists and also professionals who work as external associates such as psychologists, educational psychologists and special teachers for children with visual disabilities.

The school infrastructures obtain different classrooms with interactive blackboards and personal computers. Moreover, the institution has a library, one multisensory classroom, a kitchen classroom, a dining room, a physical therapy classroom, a gym and classrooms for the speech-language therapists. In addition to the above, a wide playground is present along with other various offices.

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