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THE SCULPTURAL FORMA VIVA - Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka, Ptuj, Slovenia

As in the previous years, again we were pleased to attend the festival Forma viva in Pragersko. In a two-day sculpture-carving workshop,  pupils from surrounding schools  work with the wood. Our school was represented by three students of the specific program of education: Andrej Gjörek, Gjörek Janko and Rajko Bučar  with their mentor  Jasna Veber Zazula, art teacher.
The pupils are passionate musicians, so they decided that the wood will symbolically rendered image of the string. The first day they  were steadily carved in the wood,  the second day, shaped wooden relief  were upgraded with modernist selected pieces of scrap metal and wire. They have produced two terrain with which they delight all those participants.
Both creative days,  they gave them a lot of  rich experience in the field of design in  wood processing. Students  upgraded  its ability to operate with machinery and handheld, carving tools, and established contacts with students from surrounding schools. Reliefs were presented in the group exhibition at the cultural center Pragersko.

Jasna Veber zazula

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was Rousseau who said, "Put a young man in a workshop, his hands will work to the benefit of his brain, and he will become a philosopher while thinking himself only a craftsman."

Congratulations pupils. You did an amazing work. Loved your musical instruments!
Mourelatou Stamoula